Association for Evaluation and Accreditation of Engineering Programs (MUDEK), is a non-governmental organization operating for the purpose of contributing to the enhancement of quality of engineering education by means of the accreditation and evaluation of and providing information services for engineering education programs in various disciplines.

MUDEK was initially established with the name of Engineering Evaluation Board as an independent, non-governmental platform in 2002 by the Engineering Deans Council (MDK), which is formed by the deans of faculties administering engineering education programs in Turkey and TRNC, in order to prepare and conduct a comprehensive program for the evaluation of engineering bachelor programs run by these faculties and started the evaluation of engineering programs in 2003. MUDEK became an association in 2007.

Except MUDEK administrative staff, all individuals who participate in MUDEK boards, committees, working groups, and accreditation evaluation teams work on voluntary basis without any salary.

MUDEK is a member of European Network for Accreditation of Engineering Education (ENAEE) since November 17, 2006 and is a full signatory (member) of Washington Accord (WA) since June 15, 2011.

MUDEK's mission is to contribute to enhancing the quality of engineering education by means of the accreditation and evaluation of and providing information services for engineering education programs in different disciplines. Thus, MUDEK aims at graduating better educated and qualified engineers in order to advance the welfare of the society.